Making | a Basic | Recordings,, |
| ||||||
fne Hftc_d'ili | D87L_LA | uses t%?OGrtAM AF auto e_posi,ve hqot eutsmcff_,ec;Lb, | |||||||||||||||||
seiecP; | The ophn?un?rhuti_rsf,eed(e/lher | libO, | ?/720, | 7/180 | 1/25G! | 71350, | 7/500, | 7/75_ | [/!G'L:!Q l/ | 500, | |||||||||
7/200_ | or 7/4000 of | o secohd), | oufofNot'<.'ol:'y | 1_}Re%_?onse f© | f,he shu | T:s__eed |
| |||||||||||
['se t}w | BROGR$'dv'.[ | A£ b | _tton h) setect th_ exp(> | 4 | the |
| on |
| ||||||||||
,=,_,a: |
| |||||||||||||
_:n:t that | suits | }se | subi_ct | c(:mdition. | [_'ordetai]G |
| V:[[)hO | swiWh | as 3eu sJide ! | i | CIAM. | 'I'h_bns | |||||||
see "Using | die | PROGI,:A_,< | AE | Button | 'on page | 47. |
| doe1" wi_ open | autumadea | y, | 'ell' | appears | _ | ||||||
| d_e vJe_',,irtder | or on the | ],CO | monito: | are | rise |
Recording speeds and oppleoble tapes:
Cd[rtc©r(te£ is _iotv [i.'_dv [c} ]'CC()R},
5 When you are tied) te :'ecord press the Sta:ti Stop [ utter< "[','hC'appears and t}/_ can:cortiie_"
records the pJctm e yet: see in the ,, ewfi::der (r
o,n :}w LCD :>e:ile:.
'l':erc,c m d hate:cote: ]}g!:'s _h_n :Jho camcorde: stm:ts reeordii:,g.
1 | L | .J |
Note: This <omcorde reooras i::lie D@a 8 format 0@%
Note: If you use other comcorders !o pk_y back
standard 8fNrN :ape recorded on his con-
corder rnos,qc- ke noise may ap©eo" n the
poybock pictur_ end!or poybeck soun< may be nterrupted.
Note: if ycu tse ¢3i_e co ":careers to peA! beck
G lace _eco ded or hs comce_eer in the LP "node, rnoselc>!W _
Note: t s e(or m p,<_ed ict ye; use @'d tol,e to _ecord n t:e _P :r'<::< e
<e:_no:t flu: cameorde: t( _, po.ve£ so _rce @lee :[)ages 720)
2h-melt _t <:.ssette("[::surt::g at:c] Rera<_bt?,
Cbs ettcs', ;pN ).
B you v, ant to vie:\ t]e pictuie b_, rig rece dud on the ,_CD 'qO:_ROr,o_e:: b.u LeD moni e:'/
?ou wa:st e vie',,;f]:e picturv in t!_¢, ::o:q::s(k': bare the L(2D moni ::r el( s_'d
Makesure@.aithe. so.::,pc '_e:"s ,',Xcbis :::ti}
o:'_NI,:5% Ros t:e .
% M=D975LAVM-DS75LA/V%4-DS73LA
7o step ::ecordi:_g pess tT: Stoat/Stop butte::
anti "R_ C" d sapl?,. _s fern t::e vie,vfi>der or
LeD n_o:_ o? :ep}ai:_'d by '@!t ' r'I_s places the eamcorder n siandby.
A_te_: rec _dinp,, slide :[:e(2AMiOFFiVK)EO
s:_itch to O_P pesilien to {u:: el{ the cam- corder.
Note: if tie LCD r,ont :,r is oper ed o closed
durng recording, severe white stripes may
appea ii ff_e pic',ure but qs does r_o 3d
cote o ;at!t ,However, ihese stpes are record ed wt the pet re, so t is recomme': ded thal you do not case or open t:e LCD manila due }n,',:eco din_:
Notes "[APE' fosfes n 'he vcwfi_de or on 1he LCD mentor w'.er, the tat) or: the sde o he
casseiqe s compleicly vsibe
Note: f,ap_ END' flashes ir_ the few P,,de: o
o1he LCD monitor when about 3 mir_utes o
',csserrOf: o h_? tope CaSSette
Note: f 1he reco'dioauso |
| _',ode contir_ues | for | |||||
:_ore | ft<x 5 rr in | tea, | tie | c,.xu-_( o_der power w | ||||
eutomofice | y | fo | wm | on agog:, | pr£,_s | |||
;be | Start/Stop | b | iitor | on | rise | i",e | ||
co_¢cordu: | w[ | _eenTer | the | :ecordi:3o,Jso |
(slandby) nod_:_ Howeve, Pressi! he SU:RTiSTOP bui o'_ on re note conBo wH no"
rerun ire caq':cerder +8 he reco,d/pcuse (standby} mode
E25 | HKACHt |