Before You
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B_ care t::[bat no :rate< dust o::saqd en rs L:]e
ca:]lcorder c:[]d d! _?cccssoiies
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:mast's[hfsas ;:m h:]:ereRtN<mracteristk,]:'v [<; a_o:d shootin8 as: exc( sire D!"L:UI[obieck di-
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_I!epickup device may te damaged );: nserous includes;
:nside a _ar _&i]h L}}ewindows Iosud and h;
Neon :: sting applh':/ees,
i Do n)l leave }_e v_ev<{ rder !e![s a_d he q d
c_p;tadisl:iay(LCD) screenfacin8 nanEg?_ for a p o onged ]?eiod ori}mphos!i_orescuntsu Xwe ofi]e ath(de ra) tub(ar!dt::eL(]D pan: :'naybe daulagvd,
Read This Fksf
A? :JuiUe you veto%/o k)o/sde:?
An: q:nportan[ hffor:natio:ffseckh)n cor:ta:nk:8
i nRortant cautkm k:o_ }our _amily% sa{ety as
wtU as fnstrudJo}s {or 8et[ n8 }our video cam-
<o_der read 3 to use, Please read and used(r-
stand Lhissection lho:'ough]y bef<m_ movin:; on,
A 'ff kCthy_ Sb:rted' sectfoa to f,::::ff[arb, e }<u:-
sdf wi[h the co::tro:s and prepa:_ you M
rec<rd %9
A 'B0sic ':echnk{ues' sect.i<;:::::show you to use vo_s_ vdeo cam:orde: quic]d) ,_:d conN
de_::y beforeadvancin8 kothemore sophist-
caked _oaturesof @_e Mitach V),,I].1>975LA/VM*
o "Advauc | d 'Iuchrdques" | to hel R }o:: wK}_ some |
f: @e exciti% sop}i':ticated {eatu_i:s cff the Miracle i
We hope you t'dl! ta]:oth<titr;e to learl about
t}:es_ft n(tio s siNc_ ihe) he:eveb<_e _ i :;iZn<d i'01 }'Ot_ "} Oil can
(ut readfn 8 this sccdon.
A ' Generai | Mainte::nce" | sectiol | to help keep |
your pu:chase n good rep_ah,
W(; w,?ntff'lhrnonuoifo L;o "ASheiK/ul c?'sp< St£/e
so if if)ob'c[o? hmo ed>/_y rio}i,? _0 f,¢id t }e i,?fb, m
mohon yo:..need:
Aq:ickb:d_xfor1he informationyou ;_sehost ohe', (hi_ page)_
A du!aiied :ab!e of contents direciir, g yo_ [o spe-
cific ini:or : atiort quick) ([>age S).
Gel to &nov_, your vde'o c_mcorde: by tssog #,b
n onuo_ grid get to £r _ow P;toci_l YVbo,%o,ecMfe
volt ,'?usk_ess,
Quick | Index |
C!orgirgih | Bottep/ | ...................................... | 17 | ||
Settir" O the Dote | snd | T}me | ............................. | 24 | |
_(ykh_m._ o | s[ @ | 'ord:n"_ | ............................ | Z6" | |
Zoomr | 0 |
| _'9 |
P |
| 32 | ||
E:ubbing | frorr Comcorder | Io o v'CR | 52 |