To view a stillpictureduringplaybackpressthe
Start / Stop. Press the Sort/Stop bu [tol_ again to
resume playback_ tf }ou leave [}lu camcorder in
pia),ipause l_aode to1: more than 5 minutes the
catY_corder auton atically stops the casse te to pre-
vent damage to the _ape You cars vie_a a still pk'-
klre wig less noisy on [he LCD monitor (Clear
Note: D_ing st'i playbook of H8/8 recorded tope, nose tray appeor or color mdy dsGp- pear, bur this does not indicate @taut
Note: The sN potu_e wli w_ve severe nose oa,_s [n fie viewfinder and on the %:, ou[ this does not {ndicale @ fquK
Notes _ you a_e #eezng Q picture wth the
LCO moniTo ciosed, !hen you wit not be abe to ve_*, a st} picture with less _oise wqer- you
open t_e mentor (O',y dudng H8/8 ploy back)
Using Forward and Reverse Search
Whe_ Iookl*_g for a particular point in Four videotape
ward search re ,,isuaily scan the tape forward _1
a higher speed.
Rdeasing thu t;F; bu[on will reurn the cam-
cor'det to nemm! feb'ward seakh.
Press the PEW button during playback to visu-
ally scan the tape bacba'ard at a high spee& Press the PI,AY Butt{x_ to return,, to _orma]
*Press aud heM down the RI.W butt(m durin 8
reverse suarc]_ 1{ visually sca_ t]_e ai>e back-
}tard at a hisher speed, 2w]easing the PEW but
_olswill relurn the camcorder _ohernial reverse
Note: When you er;gdge FF bugon o_ PEW bu_ !on ihe pio;ure wH have some nie"fer'> ec_ or
;o;.so in ie vk;wfrder This is _orrno} durng ser_reh mode (On!y di_n_ 4i8/8 poybaek)
_n case of anaJog video
in case ofdigital video
: | : | ::: | , |
use the F}: butk)n md PEW bul:to _ to Nnd the spot
Note: it yOJ ore Usin O forw.qrd o<
Note: if you engage fast _orword or rewind duF
irg paybeck of ar alog vdeo, nose ba's will ©ppeer n 1he searched picl, re.
}f yoJ engage (as1 rorword or lew}nd d_4dng
#oyback of d gi!(]l vdeo, mosaic !ke _o%e wili
appear n the sea ched Oid_re. (Onv durng Hia!g p!aybac_)
No_e: A no seiess Dctule will no appear aurng
high soeed sea_ch even if the iCD
open. (Only durng H8/8 pbybock)
Notes Noise '.r%/ [o,,u d{irng
se;_r<: in low iernpe_oture condit _qs (Only d _ri,9.gN)8/8 ploybook)
Notes if ihere %1; r
the <rddeof ape, er; [ _e 1!8_ecoded [>or [;,on <:nd Di_. !a 8 ,eoorded part on oe mixed on _r'ip£%@e ieeGr fqe co J¢er may no_
Note: Dung ar:aog playteck, nose lay
r.x[speg [ ]e search pith're or lie iCD rrorq
or <)',CO'O _qy S[s":p',}e<]r, but this does p<)f indi<:o!e < fauif.
Note: W_e_ Di :;to 8 _eco deal tc,oes _re vist ,ql-
',y SoQrr ec d_rigf._ _orwere Dr reverse soec ,
[_esa<; ([_eqoise w[] apoeo"
Nee: 'N_en i8/8 n ( od<d ropes c'e v suciy
S( Cl_oea | ¢11 irJ[117,__o[word | Or | Se©rct, | yOU |
Oa[_ v_w > f/oifdJess pio} 7' ) ]_e ICD
| E33 |