Date Search
iNS O0 _ • e_,c TuNctton f_}QIr?Or¢PeSh_?es,_oFt <_Nd @r<i pos'J!ohs day So you con ,eos ty iocot_ tpose poddons toter os /c rig. ,".._ ,, ,c,
Not¢: Be SLrO PK_t t'xedqte and q_ne ere set
1_ Attac_ i po,ve£ s_urce and side @e <AM/
O]_[ iVtDE() s_,Nt(:h to VH)}Xk
]_e remote control) to dbpiay <SEA[£Cf t" fn @e
_,iuv.dh/de_ e/on the L(D man tar
Of record N_;s you mode 0¢_ o 3_)ecJ_c
.,,OSS6'. +_@z" ON' "*_" #?e COFNCOrd_F
S[M" t
Press ti:e REW buIt<n to se_rc}t for the start po dden frog: ;N'deh you !net madu a reco_x:[i:n8
e' the ]:t buftm [o lecerdfn 8 end position. " _
beilg scorched for; "SHARe} _ % ;N@e the
e_'.d posiden is be[n 8 searc
Whei_ the required position is k tared, the cam-
corder e3/t/rs @,e stop IrKd_ and "SEARCt]"
disappears from the viewfinder or LCD m_ni-
No_e: if /o have e]ocied the cossd e, this ft! elk> w[!l nol operate wih thai ccsseHe, (W%er o cassette isinse_ted od _e reeerd r 9 s sh.'fed fPe pes[t r',isk eii :,ed as % record in@ sf(xd _osi [or or
Note; if t'e cio<;k ba t)ry s he1 irser ed, to elate search func iori does not operate when
1he battery pro_'ding ise pewe_ 16 H_e cor_
career is rer':ov, <_
Note: When tie (:x:ssel e v,,os _ecorded by
onoth_ rcarPal)atriaL the do_e se<_ ch fl, _x'_ er,. does r, ot eperoie
Note: The dote seGrch f.'ncibr_ is released
,','her you press the S]OP bui!or dumg daie
S_<rdh r_ede
Notes if 1he recorded lirrse s iess fl.sn 30 see ends, the dote seerc0 fu_'_olion n'oy c[ o}:>ep 0ie nermo[l%
Photo Search (for VM Dg75LA)
7he photo search tOnclion allows you fo search £)rvvdrd o_ £ _ckw<;rd {o_ st£s recorded er fear;.
Note: Be sre t;al I'vedaie and Yme ore set,
1 AKach a pow_:r seurc_ a_d slide thu CAM/ C)F_:i V[D[_O switch to VK)K).
i:I_ the view inde or on the [CD n:onXer.
:>010 S
!_r<'ss the RBW button to search for the preced-
ing still or tit(. FF button, for file folio,c, mg sdlL
"PI IOTAS _" v, ill appear :_hfle @1£ p re(,eding
sti] :s bring su d_ed for : "PHO'ZO.S _',
wbib :he next still is being sear(,hed for.
Note: When the cosselte was recorded by anefl er comcorder, ihe pnoio search func%>n may noi operate
Note: The pho!e seorc; funcfior: is releoseo what, you o_ess _isE SIOP button dudng photo
seq[e% _/Od@
Fears item tl_e : :ew/inder or LCD r:onitof