Using the Built-in DC Light (for VM-D975LA/VM-D875LA),, :,, < ,,
Use ff:e bui
Wi _en the | UGHT | sw&:th _sset _e "AUTO L | the hgh t turns On Outofnoficto#} | when | tne oomcorder | is po%f_,d | |
c? ocjee_ | ;n s | d(_&" place osd JUlTS off | _,,P,e? if !.i put'ted | at objects | in o bright | piece, |
CAUTIONs Snce fine power eonsumpt on of tse }gpt is/gh, the cameo de_ operating tree w) decrease ever_ with o ,%lly charged batle%
_ Ylake sul:e t_rmt J ,%dly ch_l:g_d bal:t_ ry pack is ,it m::hed
Set the CAh4,'()I_UVIDEO m_,i ch _o CAM _ld
then .set the [dE}IT _;v,'R:h _:o AITO v,,'her_
Note: Whet: tte UCHT sw;,tch is set to Ohi, i_e iight wil_ turn on whenever yo, meke (; _eco d- in@
Note: If t_e LiGff swCh [sse to AUTO, the light AhOy [_e! tJrn on mmedia_ely
Note: if the Jithl !urns en 1o me_e ffc_n 5 mir- utes with the UG!i} swich sol to "AU O" or
"ON". wben the eomcorder is ir ine record
pause mode. the oomcorder and ight w_l automat co',iy iur/_ et[ In such e ease, turn the
caT_corder or ,'A_O]R
Note: _f the LIGHT swtch is set io AUTO and the camco#;(_'r is pe ,_ed ai a whi',e subiect witi_ igh refiectivily in d dclr!_ @doe from a ste_t ds-
I<._nce, [i_eIght _riey NrP ()n or e:t !N this cos,e, sei the .©HT switch to ON
Nole: i_e Ight will it_t/off duNhg quok ed[1 o
fevew, i've _ if you h/:_vo c'onuc@y "urned oi/ _e Iigt
Note: The iighi wifi not turn e_ wren li_e CAM/ OH IVt!)EO swcl, is se'to VDLO
Note: if there is ne Cosset]< in [be correordet
or f o _ecotd!ng o;evu_ _ted <:_]sseto s {rsedh£]
w_h te KZH swiiek set to Ad'[O, lhe ghi will <_Jtomot ooi!y g: out offer 5 f lit kJies
CALITJON; turn the if)/cn :fly when you neec
t, ether,,Ase the epe_oi[_ g tree of the bqhery
p_ck is shot ÷_ | ed due | !o | _!e | pewe_ | COSSU/T_O |
IOn of the i_t'I |
| |
l CAUTION: | DO no | hod | ihe | by the | |
!itht wher'_ | cam/ng | as | ins | could | eaJse |
}q rr'altuNc }i('_R
'_ _Xev use, se_ t_c I ](4]'I s_,_,Kch te OFF or set the
CAM / OFF / % D_'O S_ itc}:l < f t]e
OFt: positkm.
°Durn,_ operoto _, and/or offer use ef he ght, the front s'.rfoce cx',j lamp of _e I@dq_
wi} be very hot, To avoid bd_SS O_ha'
*When the ight _son. do not ali@_ waier to drop on the ight,
. Wter; the igbt is on, ®vod subjecting the igh to impac:s <s sharp vb stioas.
. DO _ef cove f!:e ight wth paper er e_er objects since he ei_ flew ,,,_1 be n!er _OV
ed resu]th9 in possble over eetng hcz- ard.
- Never USe the ght i@ihe vdnity of expbs- ire or hghiy nfion:mab e materk'_Is
,Afb;r us,_g te ligist, cue the tight sectior}
suilicienHy beware storir',0 the camcorder r; 1he case,
*tne amp cq only be replaced by e seT- vice er_ir!eer; _f Pe k}rep ho_ blown, con- sO1 your neQresl sop,! ce center
| E57 |