6/08 ST 3000 Release 300 and SFC Model STS103 User’s Manual 1

Section 1 —Overview - First Time Users Only

1.1 Introduction

Section contents This section includes these topics:
Section Topic See Page
1.1 Introduction ....................................................................................1
1.2 ST 3000 Transmitters.....................................................................2
1.3 Smart Field Communicator.............................................................8
1.4 Transmitter/SFC Order.................................................................11
1.5 Local Smart Meter Options...........................................................13
About this section This section is intended for users who have never worked with our
ST 3000 Smart Transmitter and its companion operator interface device
the hand-held Smart Field Communicator (SFC®) before. It provides
some general information to acquaint you with the ST 3000 transmitter
and the SFC.
ATTENTION Honeywell also offers the SCT 3000 Smartline Configuration Toolkit
that runs on a variety of Personal Computer (PC) platforms using MS-
DOS 5.0 or higher and Windows 3.1 or higher. It is a bundled Microsoft
Windows software and PC-interface hardware solution that allows
quick, error-free configuration of Honeywell Smartline field
instruments. Some SCT 3000 features include:
Preconfigured templates that simplify configuration and allow rapid
development of configuration databases.
Context-sensitive help and an on-line user manual.
Extensive menus and prompts that minimize the need for prior
training or experience.
The ability to load previously configured databases at time of
Automatic verification of device identification and database
configuration menus and prompts for bench set up and calibration.
The ability to save unlimited transmitter databases on the PC.
SCT 3000 Release 3.12.2 or greater is compatible with our latest Series
100 and 900, Release 300, ST 3000 transmitters. Please contact your
Honeywell representative for more information.