ST 3000 Release 300 and SFC Model STS103 User’s Manual 6/08

11.2 Overview

Diagnostics The SFC and ST 3000 transmitter are constantly running internal
diagnostics to monitor the functions and status of the control loop and
their communications link.
When a diagnostic failure is detected, a corresponding message is
generated for the SFC display. See Section 11.4 Diagnostic Messages
for details.
ATTENTION There are additional diagnostics provided by the STIMV IOP for
transmitters integrated with the TPS system and any message will
appear in the TRANSMITTER STATUS field of the Detail Display in
the Universal Station. Details about the STIMV IOP diagnostic
messages are given in the PM/APM Smartline Transmitter Integration
Manual PM12-410 which is part of the TDC 3000X system bookset.
Troubleshooting tool Your primary troubleshooting tool is using the SFC to run a status
check, recording displayed diagnostic messages, and then interpreting
the diagnostic messages. See Table 66 to run a status check using an
You should also use the SFC to verify the transmitter’s configuration
data and check to be sure your process is operating correctly.