ST 3000 Release 300 and SFC Model STS103 User’s Manual 6/08
8.3 Changing Default Failsafe Direction, Continued

Procedure, continued Table 47 Cutting Failsafe Direction Jumper

Step Action

1 Turn OFF transmitter power. Loosen end-cap lock and unscrew end
cap from electronics side of transmitter housing.
2 If applicable, carefully turn Local Smart Meter counterclockwise to
remove it from PWA mounting bracket and unplug cable from
connector on back of meter assembly.
Loosen two retaining screws and carefully pull mounting bracket and
PWA from housing. Unplug flex tape and power connectors from
component side of PWA, and remove PWA.
3 With component side of PWA facing you, locate failsafe direction
jumper W1 and cut it in half with small wire cutter such as dykes. See
Figure 48. This changes failsafe action from upscale to downscale.
4 Reverse applicable previous steps to replace PWA.
5 Turn ON transmitter power.

Figure 49 Location of Failsafe Direction Jumper on PWA.
