This name is used in the runstring for RMVCP, the remote VCP


program described later in this chapter. This node name is not


defined or recognized as an NS, DS, or ARPA node name.


Although the node names may be the same when using any of these


networking products, each product specifies and creates them



Node number

(Optional) An integer number of the client node. Up to 5


characters can be specified.


If the node number is not specified, the node number is zero. This


number is used interchangeably with the node name in the runstring


for RMVCP, the remote VCP program, described later in this




The node name and node number are used as search keys for


RMVCP during an interactive boot up. The first entry that matches


in the configuration file (/FILES802/IPL_TABLE.TXT) determines


the client.

LAN address

LAN station address of the client node in hexadecimal. Up to 12


characters can be specified.

Download file

The file name of the memory"based system to be downloaded to the


remote system (the client). Up to 64 characters can be specified for


the file name.


The file can be a FMGR or CI file. This file is created by BUILD,


which is documented in the RTEA System Generation and


Installation Manual, part number 92077"90034 (in Chapter 10,


subsection •Run BUILD to Create the Merged System File," and in


Appendix I). Specify the full path name of the system file. If the


path name is not specified, RMVCP searches for the file in


directory /FILES802.


When a download request comes in from the client, the download


file can be accessed in one of two different ways:


a. P00000 file specified at autoboot or in the VCP runstring


(%BDS00000sc). VCPMT searches for the default download


file specified in /FILES802/IPL_TABLE.TXT. The default


download file has the default flag set to 1. If there are no


entries for the client with the default flag set, then the last entry


for the client is used to obtain the download file name. The


download file name can be any legitimate file name.


b. Pfffff file specified in the VCP runstring. When Pfffff is


specified in the VCP runstring (for example, %BDS7777700sc),


VCPMT first searches the directory /FILES802 for the actual


Pfffff file, then performs a search of each FMGR cartridge.

Default flag

(Optional) 1 means that this record in the configuration file is the


default system to be downloaded in the case of a non"interactive


download session (for example, autoboot).

LANVCP Operations 6%3