Angle Measure
Trigonometric functions, for example, require arguments representing plane angles. The calculator provides three different Angle Measure modes for working with angles, namely:
•Degrees: There are 360 degrees (360°) in a complete circumference.
•Radians: There are 2π radians (2π r) in a complete circumference.
•Grades: There are 400 grades (400 g) in a complete circumference.
The angle measure affects the trig functions like SIN, COS, TAN and associated functions.
To change the angle measure mode, use the following procedure:
•Press the Hbutton. Next, use the down arrow key, ˜, twice. Select the Angle Measure mode by either using the \key (second from left in the fifth row from the keyboard bottom), or pressing the @CHOOS soft menu key. If using the latter approach, use up and down arrow keys,
Coordinate System
The coordinate system selection affects the way vectors and complex numbers are displayed and entered. To learn more about complex numbers and vectors, see Chapters 4 and 8, respectively, in this guide. There are three coordinate systems available in the calculator: Rectangular (RECT), Cylindrical (CYLIN), and Spherical (SPHERE). To change coordinate system:
•Press the Hbutton. Next, use the down arrow key, ˜, three times. Select the Coord System mode by either using the \key (second from left in the fifth row from the keyboard bottom), or pressing the @CHOOS soft menu key. If using the latter approach, use up and down arrow keys,