Table A-2Diagnostic Front Panel LEDs and Audible Codes (continued)



Possible Cause

Recommended Action

Red Power LED flashes eleven


times, once every second, followed by a two second pause. Beeps stop after fifth iteration but LEDs continue until problem is solved.

The current processor does not support a feature previously enabled on this system.

1.Install a TXT capable processor.

2.Disable TXT in the Computer Setup (F10) utility.

3.Reinstall the original processor.

System does not power on and None

System unable to power

Press and hold the power button for less than 4

LEDs are not flashing.


seconds. If the hard drive LED turns green, the



power button is working correctly and the system



board needs to be replaced.







Press and hold the power button for less than 4



seconds. If the hard drive LED does not turn on



green then:




Check that the unit is plugged into a working




AC outlet.




Open hood and check that the power button




harness is properly connected to the system








Check that both power supply cables are




properly connected to the system board.




Check to see if the 5V_aux light on the




system board is turned on. If it is turned on,




then replace the power button harness. If the




problem persists, replace the system board.




If the 5V_aux light on the system board is




not turned on, remove the expansion cards

one at a time until the 5V_aux light on the system board turns on. It the problem persists, replace the power supply.

Interpreting POST Diagnostic Front Panel LEDs and Audible Codes 109