
+std=c89: This option invokes the compiler in ANSI C89 compilation mode. This option when specified with the -ext option, it invokes a part of ANSI C99 feature. This is equivalent to the '–AC89' option.

+std=c99: This option invokes the compiler in ANSI C99 compilation mode with its features. This is the default C compilation mode. This is equivalent to the '–AC99' option.

+std=c++98: This option invokes the compiler in ISO C++98 standard mode. This is the default C++ compilation mode and this is equivalent to the '–AA' option.

+std=c++11: This option turns on support for several core language features introduced by the ISO C++11 language standard. It is available only in C++ compilation mode and is binary compatible with the '+std=c++98' ('–AA') compilation mode.

+std=gcc: This option enables GNU C dialect compatibility. This option is equivalent to '–Agcc' option.

+std=g++: This option enables GNU C++ dialect compatibility. This option is equivalent to '–Ag++' option.

+std=gnu: This command line option is also used to enable gnu dialects. It switches between '+std=gcc ' or '+std=g++' compilation, depending on whether the compilation mode is C or C++ respectively.


+stl=rw: This option is used to specify RogueWave STL 2.0 implementation. This option is equivalent to ‘–AA’ option. It includes C++98 compliant standard template library. This is the default STL. This option causes standard C++ header files to be picked up from the directory '/opt/aCC/include_std' and is linked with libstd_v2.so.

+stl=none: By eliminating references to the standard header files and libraries bundled with HP C++ compiler, this option allows experienced users to have full control over the header files and libraries used in compilation and linking of their applications. This is equivalent to ‘+nostl’ option.

Standards Related Options