| ISQL Statements |
| Table | |
| Character | Description |
| W | The week of month as a |
| DDD | The day of year as a |
| DD | The day of month as a |
| D | The day of week as a |
| 7 for Saturday). |
| DAY | The day of week as a 9 character string (in the range 'SUNDAY' to 'SAT- |
| URDAY '. |
| DY | The day of week as a 3 character string (in the range 'SUN' to 'SAT'). |
| J | The Julian day (number of days since DEC 31, 1899) as an 8 digit num- |
| ber. |
| TH | When added to a format keyword that results in a number, this format |
| keyword ('TH') is replaced by the string 'ST', 'ND', 'RD' or 'TH' depending |
| on the last digit of the number. |
| AMPM | The string 'AM' or 'PM' depending on whether time corresponds to fore- |
| noon or afternoon. |
| A.M.P.M. | The string 'A.M.' or 'P.M.' depending on whether time corresponds to |
| forenoon or afternoon. |
| HH12 | The hour value as a |
| HHHH24 | The hour value as a |
| MI | The minute value as a |
| SS | The seconds value as a |
| SSSSS | The seconds from midnight as a |
| 86399). |
| MLS | The milliseconds value as a |
The following examples are based on a table, orders, with columns defined as follows:
ISQL> table orders | NULL ? | TYPE | LENGTH |
order_id | NOT NULL | INT | 4 |
customer_id |
| INT | 4 |
steel_type |
| CHAR | 20 |
FairCom Corporation |