Data Unload Utility: dbdump
The syntax definition for the commands file is as shown:
dbdump_commands: define_record_statement for_record_statement
The following is sample commands file showing dump instructions.
( ord_no, item_name, date, item_qty ) FIELD DELIMITER ' ' ;
FOR RECORD ord_rec dump into ord_dat
USING SELECT order_no, product, order_date, qty
FROM items;
5.5.1The DEFINE RECORD Statement
The DEFINE RECORD statement is used to define the record of the output file. The following are the definitions that are made known by the DEFINE RECORD statement:
•Names the record of the output file
•Names the fields of the record
•Specifies whether the records in the data file are variable length records or fixed length records
•If fixed length records, specifies the position and data type of the field
The following is the syntax definition of the DEFINE RECORD statement:
DEFINE RECORD record_name
[ OF FIXED LENGTH record_length AS (
field_name position_specification type_specification,
[ FIELD DELIMITER delimiter_char ]
[ RECORD DELIMITER delimiter_string ] ;
POSITION ( start_position : end_position )
type_specification:: CHAR
The following are the variable descriptions of the DEFINE RECORD syntax:
•record_name is the name used to refer to the records found in the data file.
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