Quick Tour
OrderList - A table of records consisting of a list of orders.
OrderItem - A table of records consisting of specific items associated with an order.
ItemMaster - A table of records consisting of information about items.
CustomerMaster - A table of records consisting of specific info related to each customer.
Each order (ordernum) in the orderlist table will contain 1 or more items (itemnum) in the orderitem table. Each item will have a corresponding definition (weight, price, description) in the itemmast table. An order is related to a specific customer (custnum) in the custmast table which contains information about each customer.
The following SQL syntax provides the functionality for the define phase:
•CREATE TABLE - Create a table.
•COMMIT WORK - Make changes permanent. Below is the interactive SQL for DEFINE:
ISQL> CREATE TABLE orderlist ( ol_orderdate DATE, ol_promdate DATE, ol_ordernum VARCHAR(7), ol_custnum VARCHAR(4));
ISQL> CREATE INDEX custorder ON orderlist (ol_ordernum, ol_custnum);
ISQL> CREATE TABLE orderitems ( oi_ordernum VARCHAR(7), oi_seqnumber SMALLINT, oi_quantity SMALLINT, oi_itemnum VARCHAR(6));
ISQL> CREATE INDEX orderitem ON orderitems (oi_ordernum, oi_seqnumber);
ISQL> CREATE TABLE itemmast ( im_weight INTEGER, im_price MONEY, im_itemnum VARCHAR(6),
im_desc VARCHAR(48));
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