Chapter 4
Data Load Utility: dbload
This chapter describes the c-treeSQL database load utility, dbload. This utility loads records from an input data file into tables of a database. The format of the data file is specified by a record description given in an input commands file to dbload.
Both dbload and dbdump commands files use DEFINE RECORD statements with similar syn- tax to specify the format of loaded or exported data records. The commands file specifies the data file, the format of data records, and the destination (or source) database columns and tables for the data.
The dbload utility allows loading of variable- or fixed-length records, and lets the load opera- tion specify the set of fields and records to be stored from an input file. Data files can use mul- tiple-character record delimiters. dbload also allows control of other characteristics, such as error handling and logging, in its command line. dbload generates a badfile that contains records from the input file that failed to load in the database.
The following figure shows the dbload execution process.