This documentation is applicable to the following firewall and UTM products:
•HP F5000 firewall (hereinafter referred to as the F5000)
•HP firewall modules
•HP Enhanced firewall modules
You can configure most of the firewall functions in the Web interface and some functions at the command line interface (CLI). Each function configuration guide specifies clearly whether the function is configured in the Web interface or at the CLI.
•Traditional firewall functions
•Virtual firewall, security zone, attack protection, URL filtering
•Application Specific Packet Filter (ASPF), which can monitor connection processes and user operations and provide dynamic packet filtering together with ACLs.
•Multiple types of VPN services, such as IPsec VPN
•RIP/OSPF/BGP routing
•Stateful failover (Active/Active and Active/Standby mode)
•Management by its own
•12 combo interfaces, for fiber/copper port switching
•Two expansion slots, which support the 2*10GE fiber interface module (NSQ1XS2U0).