What’s New
Operating System and Fibre Channel Switch Support
Support has been added for newer operating systems and switch firmware. Table 1 lists the minimum hardware and software versions of items supported by those operating systems compatible with Data Replication Manager running ACS v8.7P and subsequent updates. Operating systems are listed by vendor in the left column. Each item in the same row, and listed to the right, is supported by that operating system.
To use this table, select an operating system and operating system version, then move to the right and select a Fibre Channel Adapter (FCA). Supported FCA firmware is located further to the right, followed by the driver and Secure Path versions for the FCA. In the last column is a brief statement about cluster support for that operating system and version.
Table 2 lists supported switches for the HSG80 controller with their approved version of firmware when used for DRM. Be aware that a 2 Gb/sec switch is constrained by the HSG80 controller to 1 Gb/sec.
Table 1: Operating System Support Matrix
Operating |
| Adapter | Adapter | Secure |
System | OS Version | FCA | Firmware | Driver | Path | Clustering |
HP | 11.0 | A5158A 1Gb PCI | Native | Native | 3.0aSP1 or | ServiceGuard v11.14 |
| 0303 patch bundle) | A6685A 1Gb HSC |
| 3.0bSP1 | Max: 4 nodes |
| 11.11 | A6795A 2Gb PCI |
| 0603 patch bundle) |
HP OpenVMS | LP8000 or | 3.81a4, 3.82a1, | Native | Native | VMSCluster | |
| VMS722_ | LP9002 (FCA2354) | 3.91a1, or |
| Max: 96 nodes |
| FIBRE_SCSI- | 3.92a0 |
| |
| ||
| V0400 |
| 7.3 with |
| VMS73_ |
| V0500 | LP9802 (FCA2384) | 1.00x8 or |
| 1.81a1 |
| |
| VMS731_ |
| V0100 |
HP Tru64 | 5.1a BL22 PK4 | LP8000 or | 3.81a4, 3.82a1, | Native | Native | TruClusters |
UNIX | 5.1b BL1 PK1 | LP9002 (FCA2354) | 3.91a1, or |
| Max: 8 nodes |
| 3.92a0 |
| ||
| |
| LP9802 (FCA2384) | 1.00x8 or |
| 1.81a1 |
4.3.3, 5.1 | Cambex 1Gb PCI | 2.01.38 | | 2.0c | v5.1 supports | |
| (1000F) |
| HACMP v4.5 | |
| ||
| Cambex 2Gb PCI |
| | 2.0d |
| (2000F) |
Data Replication Manager HSG80 ACS Version 8.7P Release Notes | 5 |