Our documentation requires Acrobat Reader version 3.01 for viewing (free from adobe.com, and on the ModelSim CD). We suggest you use the Reader with Search for viewing the files because it facilitates indexed searching, which is much faster than simple
Getting the most current PDF manuals
Download the current PDF reference manuals from the Model Technology FTP site: ftp://ftp.model.com/pub. Choose either the EE or PE tree; you’ll find the documentation files within the
Getting paper manuals
If you need a printed copy of the ModelSim Reference Manual or the ModelSim Tutorial, use one of the request cards attached to this booklet. Registered users may request up to two copies of each book for each license purchased. You might save the second form to order new books when versions change. (Additional copies are available at US$50 per book, you might also consider printing only the sections you need from the PDF file.)
EE documentation
ModelSim EE documentation is included on the ModelSim CD in the electronic formats shown below.
ModelSim EE/PLUS Reference Manual
•PDF format (in print for US$50)
•command and simulation reference for all EE products
•default path: <modelsim_dir>/docs/ee_manual_<version>.pdf
ModelSim EE Tutorial
•PDF format (in print for US$50)
•beginning tutorial for all EE products
•default path: <modelsim_dir>/docs/ee_tutorial_<version>.pdf
Std_DevelopersKit User’s Manual
• PDF format
22Start Here for ModelSim EE