Technical support - other channels
For customers who purchased ModelSim as part of a bundled product from an OEM, or VAR, support is available at the following:
•Annapolis Microsystems email: wftech@annapmicro.com telephone:
web site: http://www.annapmicro.com
•Exemplar Logic
email: support@exemplar.com
web site: http://www.exemplar.com
•Hewlett Packard EEsof
email: hpeesof_support@hp.com
web site: http://www.hp.com/go/hpeesof
email: support@synplicity.com
web site: http://www.synplicity.com
Mentor customers: getting the latest version via FTP
You can ftp the latest EE or PE version of the software from the SupportNet site at ftp://supportnet.mentorg.com/pub/mentortech/modeltech/. Instructions are there as well. A valid license file from Mentor Graphics is needed to uncompress the ModelSim EE files. A password from Model Technology is required to uncompress the ModelSim PE files. Contact license@model.com if you are a current PE customer and need a password.
28Start Here for ModelSim EE