Platform-specific directories - Windows platforms
| Files in the ../win32 directory | Description |
| tcl80.dll, tclpip80.dll, | Tcl, Tix and Tk dynamic libraries |
| tix4180.dll, tk80.dll |
| tssi2mti.exe | ModelSim tool for use with SEF |
| files |
| vcom.exe | ModelSim VHDL compiler |
| vdel.exe, vdir.exe, vlib.exe, | ModelSim library management |
| vmake.exe, vmap.exe | tools |
| vlog.exe | ModelSim Verilog compiler |
| vish.exe | Tcl/TK user interface |
| vlm.exe | simulation license manager |
| vgencomp.exe | ModelSim tool for use with |
| Verilog modules in VHDL |
| vsim.exe | ModelSim simulator |
| wav2log.exe | translates ModelSim log file to |
| QuickSim II log file |
Locating Documentation
Online documentation
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Locating Documentation 21