cat /proc/cmdline
6.Verify that your system detects the tape device, using the following command:
cat /proc/scsi/scsi
Libraries missing from Linux distribution
I cannot launch the X Window System version of Data Protector Express. It gives me the following message:
error while loading shared libraries libstdc++.so.5
Cause: Either the libstdc++ library is missing from your version of Linux distribution or the wrong version of the library is installed.
Solution: Install the missing library.
1.Identify the required version of the library:
a.Navigate to the Data Protector Express directory in a terminal window. The default directory is /usr/local/hp/dpx.
b.Type lld dpadmin.bin from the command prompt and press Enter. A list of libraries required for Data Protector Express appears.
The name of the missing libstdc++ library will be similar to libstdc++.so.5.
2.Contact your Linux distributor for the missing library.
If you are using RedHat Linux EL 4, you can use an RPM package called
3.Install the library according to the documentation provided by your distributor.
4.Try to launch the X Window System version of Data Protector Express. It should work properly.
Installation Guide | 15 |