Disc type


With this disc you can

Disc features and compatibility








4.7 GB

Make a permanent copy of a

Records once




DVD video file. These discs

Holds up to 4.7 GB of data, video,




cannot be erased or rewritten to.


picture, or music files



Share your created DVD movie

Holds about the same amount of data




with others — DVD+R discs are


as seven CDs




compatible with more DVD

Reads in most DVD-ROM drives




players than a DVD+RW disc is.

Plays in some DVD video players



Create a permanent storage disc








of your videos, pictures, and






other hard drive files.




4.7 GB

Make a temporary copy when

Rewrites about 1,000 times




creating and editing your DVD

Holds up to 4.7 GB of data, video,




movie. These discs can be erased


picture, or music files




and rewritten to.

Holds about the same amount of data



Make a temporary copy of your


as seven CDs




videos, pictures, and other hard

Reads in most DVD-ROM drives




drive files.




650 MB

Play music CDs.

Read-only (software, data, music files)

(compact disc


Install software.

Reads in CD-ROM and DVD-ROM











Plays in some DVD video players







18 DVD Writer User’s Guide