Security File Format

The syntax of the security policy file is as follows. Notation: "*" means zero or more occurrences of the preceding element, and "+" means one or more occurrences. To interpret xxx/yyy, ignore the text after the /; it is used to distinguish between instances of xxx in the next section.

<policy file>


::= <version line> <other line> *

<version line>


::= <string/v> 'n'

<other line>


::= <comment> <access rule> <site policy>



<blank line>

<comment >


::= # <not newline>* 'n'

<blank line>


::= <space> 'n'

<site policy >


::= <sitepolicy string/sp> 'n'

<access rule>


::= property <property/ar> <window perms> 'n'



::= <string>



::= any <root> <required property>

<required property>


::= <property/rp> <property with value>

<property with value>


::= <property/rpv> = <string/rv>



::= [ <operation> <action> <space> ]*



::= r w d



::= a i e



::= <dbl quoted string> <single quoted string>



<unquoted string>

<dbl quoted string>


::= <space> " <not dqoute>* " <space>

<single quoted string>


::= <space> ' <not squote>* ' <space>

<unquoted string>


::= <space> <not space>+ <space>



::= [ ' ' 't' ]*


Character sets:

<not newline>


::= any character except 'n'

<not dqoute>


::= any character except "

<not squote>


::= any character except '

<not space>


::= any character except those in <space>

The semantics associated with the above syntax are as follows.

<version line>, the first line in the file, specifies the file format version. If the server does not recognize the version <string/v>, it ignores the rest of the file. The version string for the file format described here is "version-1".

Once past the <version line>, lines that do not match the above syntax are ignored.

<comment lines> are ignored.

Page 147

Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20