264 Managing Your Device
Icon Description
Regional Settings Set the regional configuration to use, including the format for
displaying numbers, currency, date, and time on your device.
Remove Programs Remove programs that you installed on your device.
Screen Recalibrate the screen, apply ClearType, and change the screen text size.
Task Manager Stop running programs and set the ( ) button to end programs
immediately when you tap the button. For more information, see "Using Task
Manager" in this chapter.
TouchFLO Enable or mute the finger scrolling and panning sound. You can also
use this setting to enable or disable the large Start menu, System Status screen,
and transition effects when launching programs from TouchFLO 3D, and set the
device to vibrate when you tap the TouchFLO 3D tabs, the YouTube™ function
buttons, and the Opera zoom ( ) and exit full screen mode ( ) buttons.
Uploader Lets you see the status of your photo and video uploads to social
networking sites such as Facebook and YouTube™.
Windows Update Link to Microsoft's web site and update Windows Mobile® on
your device with the latest security patches or fixes, if they are available.
Connections tab
Icon Description
Account Manager Enter and store your account information so you can log in
to your favorite social networking sites such as Facebook and YouTube™ even
without opening a web browser.