Getting Started 25
Front panel
Touch Screen
Second Camera
Use this camera for video
call conversations or to
take a self-portrait.
Press to end a call or
return to the Home
Press and hold to lock
the device.
(To customize the
END key, tap Start >
Settings > Personal
tab > Buttons > End
Key tab).
Listen to a phone
call from here.
Press to return to the
previous screen.
Press to answer an
incoming call or dial a
During a call, press
and hold to toggle
the speakerphone on
and off.
Press and hold to use
Voice Speed Dial. (See
Chapter 12 for details.)
Press to return to the
Home screen. See
Chapter 3 for details.
Light Sensor
Senses the ambient light and adjusts
the screen backlight accordingly.
Note By default, the device vibrates when you press any of the virtual buttons — TALK/
SEND, HOME, BACK and END. To disable the vibration, tap Start > Settings >
Personal tab > Buttons > Virtual Buttons tab, then clear the Vibrate the device
check box.