User Manual
Aolynk DR814Q ADSL2+ Broadband Router 9 Appendix – IP Address and Subnet Mask
s the network ID and the rest is the host Dither
length of the network ID d ds on the cla e network (refer to sectio
“Clas Address e 9-1 d structure of the IP ad
Ttructure dress
The starting part of every IP address i
es”). Tabl
ss of th
escribes the
n 9.1.2
ses of IP
able 9-1 S of the IP ad
Class Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4
Class A Network ID Host ID
Class B Network ID Host ID
Class C Network ID Host ID
The following are some valid IP address examples:
Class A: (network ID = 10, host ID= 30.6.125)
rk ID = 129.88, host ID = 16.49)
9.1.2 Classes of IP Addresses hosts
s such as enterprises and governments.
ver two million (2,097,152 exactly)
Inter lly of this class networks.
Follo dress:
z an IP address is to look at its number in
number is from 192 to 223.
(The numbers for special use are not given here.)
Class B: (netwo
Class C: (network ID = 192.60.201, host ID = 11)
Three common IP addresses are of Cass A, B, and C. (Class D is for special use and is
beyond the scope of this discussion.) These classes have different uses and
The class A network is the largest on the Internet. This allows at least 16 million
per network. Such 126 class A networks can hold at least two billion PCs. These
enormous networks are quite suitable for the LAN or Internet fundamental
organizations such as Internet service provider (ISP).
The class B network is relatively smaller than the class A network, but it still allows
16,384 class B networks and 65,000 hosts in each class B network. This kind of
network is suitable for the large organization
The class C network is the smallest one. It allows o
cla C networks and 254 hosts in each class C network. The LANs connecting to the
net are usua
wing are the key points about the IP ad
The easiest way to determine the class of
the field 1:
Class A: The number is from 1 to 126.
Class B: The number is from 128 to 191.
Class C: The