4.Before starting. 4. Maßnahmen vor dem Anlassen.

4.Avant de démarrer. 4. Antes del arranque.

4.Prima dell’avviamento. 4. Maatregelen vóór het starten.

Filling up

The engine should be run of pure (not oil mixed) unleaded petrol. Do not fi ll beyond the lower edge of the fi lling hole. Do not fi ll over max level.


Reposición de combustible

El motor ha de funcionar con gasolina pura (sin mezcia de aceite), sin plomo. El nivel no ha de sobrepasar el borde inferior del orifi cio de llenado.


Petrol is highly infl ammable. Proceed with care and fi ll up with petrol outdoors. Do not smoke when fi lling with petrol or fi ll up when the engine is warm. Do not overfi ll the tank since the pertrol can expand and overfl ow. Make sure that the petrol cap is securely tightened after fi lling. Store petrol in a cool place in an appropriate container for engine fuel. Check the petrol tank and pipes.

La gasolina es muy infl amable. Proceda con cuidado y haga la reposición al aire libre. No fume durante la reposición y noponga gasolina cuando el motor está caliente. No llene demasiado el depósito, puesto que la gasolina puede expansio narse y rebosar. Después del repostado asegúrese de que la tapa del depósito está bien apretada.Almacene el combustible en un lugar fresco y en un recipiente destinado a este fi n. Controle el depósito y tuberías de combustible.


Der Motor ist mit reinem, bleifreiem Benzin (nicht ölgemischt) zu fahren. Das Benzin darf höchstens bis zur Unterkante der Einfüllöffnung gefüllt werden.


Benzin ist sehr feuergefährlich. Mit Vorsicht vorgehen und nur im Freien Tanken. Beim Tanken nicht rauchen. Nicht Benzin einfüllen, wenn der Motor warm ist. Den Tank nicht so viel füllen, daß sich das Benzin ausdehnen kann und dadurch überfl ießt. Darauf achten, daß der Tankverschluß nach dem Tanken gut festgezogen wird. Benzin an einer kühlen Stelle in Motorbenzinkanistern verwahren. Benzintank und Leitungen regelmäßig prüfen.

Plein de carburant

Utiliser de l'essence pure (sans ajouter d'huile) sans plomb. Remplir le réservoir jusqu'au bord inférieur de l'orifi ce de remplissage, jamais plus haut.


L'essence est un produit inflammable.Prendre les précautions nécessaires et faire le plein en extérieur. Ne jamais fumer lors du remplissage du réservoir, ou à proximité, et ne pas refaire le plein tant que le moteur est encore chaud. Ne pas trop remplir le réservoir, penser à l'expansion de l'essence

àla chaleur ce qui risquerait d'entraîner le débordement du réservoir.Toujours s'assurer, après le plein, que le bouchon du réservoir est correctement vissé et serré.Conserver l'essence dans un récipient spécialement conçu à cet effet et dans un local frais et aéré. Vérifi er régulièrement le réservoir et le circuit d'alimentation en carburant.


Usare benzina senza piombo, non miscela. Rifornire fi no al bordo inferiore del bocchettone di rifornimento.


Non fumare e non fare rifornimento a motore caldo. Non riempire troppo per evitare fuoriuscite di benzina. Chiudere bene il tappo del serbatoio.Conservare il acrburante al fresco. Controllare tubazioni e serbatoio.


De motor dient te lopen op schone (niet met oli gemeng de) loodvrije benzine. Tank niet meer benzine dan tot de onderste rand van het vulgat.


De benzine is zeer brandgevaarlijk.Wees voorzichtig en tank buitenshuis. Rook niet bij het tanken en vul niet bij, wanneer de motor warm is. Doe niet te veel in de tank, daar de ben- zine kan expanderen en overstromen. Zorg dat na het tanken de benzinedop er goed op zit. Bewaar de brandstof op een koele plaats in een jerrycan voor motorbrandstof. Controleer benzinetank en brandstofl eidingen.


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Husqvarna GTH260XP instruction manual Filling up, Reposición de combustible, Tanken, Plein de carburant, Rifornimento

GTH260XP specifications

The Husqvarna GTH260XP is a versatile and powerful garden tractor designed to meet the demands of homeowners with medium to large-sized lawns. This machine embodies a combination of performance, durability, and user-friendly features that make lawn care more efficient and enjoyable.

One of the key features of the GTH260XP is its robust engine. Powered by a Kohler 26 HP engine, it delivers reliable performance, providing ample power to tackle various lawn tasks, from mowing to hauling heavy loads. The engine is equipped with a hydrostatic transmission, allowing smooth operation and easy speed adjustment without the need for gear shifting. This feature enhances maneuverability, especially in tight spaces and when navigating around obstacles.

The deck is another standout characteristic of the GTH260XP. With a 54-inch cutting width, it boasts a triple-blade system that ensures an even and precise cut, enabling users to cover large areas quickly and efficiently. The deck is also designed with a washout port, making it easier to clean after use and maintain the mower's performance over time.

Comfort and convenience are also at the forefront of the GTH260XP's design. The tractor features an ergonomic steering wheel, adjustable seat, and ample legroom, which contribute to a comfortable riding experience. Additionally, the intuitive control panel allows for easy operation of the mower’s functions, including height adjustment for the cutting deck, further enhancing user experience.

Furthermore, the GTH260XP incorporates advanced technologies such as the U1 battery for additional accessory use, including headlights and a charging system for electronic devices. It also features Cruise Control, which allows the operator to maintain a constant speed while mowing, reducing fatigue during longer sessions.

Durability is key, with the GTH260XP built from high-quality materials designed to withstand the rigors of regular use. The heavy-duty frame ensures stability and longevity, while the oversized rear wheels provide excellent traction and support on uneven terrains.

In summary, the Husqvarna GTH260XP stands out for its powerful engine, innovative cutting technology, comfort-focused design, and durability, making it an excellent choice for those seeking reliable performance and efficiency in lawn care. Whether tackling tough mowing tasks or maintaining expansive gardens, the GTH260XP proves to be a reliable companion for any homeowner.