The fan and cooling fi ns of transmission should be kept clean to assure proper cooling.

Do not attempt to clean fan or transmission while engine is running or while the transmission is hot.

Inspect cooling fan to be sure fan blades are intact and clean.

Inspect cooling fi ns for dirt, grass clippings and other materials.


The transaxle was sealed at the factory and fl uid mainte- nance is not required. Should the transaxle ever leak or require servicing, contact your nearest authorized service center/department.


Das Gebläse unde die Kühlriippen des Getriebes sollten sauber gehalten werden, um einwandfreie Kühlung zu gewährleisten.

Nicht versuchen, das Gebläse oder das Getriebe zu reinigen, solange der Motor läuft bzw. solange das Getrieb heiß ist.

Das Kühlgebläse untersuchen und sicherstellen, daß die Gebläsefl ügel unbeschädigt und sauber sind.

Die Kühlrippen auf Schmutz, Schnittgut oder anderen Unrat untersuchen.


Die Transachse wurde vom Werk abgedichtet und normaler- weise sollte in Bezug auf die Flüssigkeit keine Wartung notwendig sein. Sollte die Transachse undicht werden oder aus anderen Gründen Wartung benötigen, sollte die örliche Vertragswerkstatt bzw. Vertrags-Kundendienstabteilung aufgesucht werden.


Le ventilateur et les ailettes de refroidissement du carter de transmission doivent être maintenus propres pour assurer un refroidissement correct.

Ne pas essayer de nettoyer le ventilateur ou la transmission tant que le moteur est en fonctionnement ou que la transms- sion est chaude.

Vérifi er le ventilateur de refroidissement afi n de s'assurer que ses pales sont en bon état et propres.

Vérifi er l'état des ailettes de refroidissement du carter de transmission qui ne doivent pas être couvertes de poussière, de résidus de coupe ou d'autres matériaux. Afi n d'éviter des fuites éventuelles au niveau des joints, ne pas utiliser d'air comprimé ou de nettoyeur à haute pression pour nettoyer les ailettes.


La transmission est scellée en usine et il n'est donc pas néces- saire de contrôler ou de parfaire le niveau du fl uide. Dans le cas où la transmission présenterait une fuite ou nécessiterait une intervention, contacter un réparateur agréé de la marque de la transmission.


Las aletas de enfriamiento y el ventilador de la transmisión tienen que mantenerse limpios para asegurar el enfriamiento adecuado.

No trate de limpiar el ventilador o la transmisión cuando el motor esté funcionando o mientras la transmisión esté caliente.

Inspeccione el ventilador de enfriamiento para asegurarse que las aspas del ventilador estén intactas y limpias. Para impredir daños a los sellos, no use un rocidador de aire compresado o de alta pressión para limpiar las aletas de enfriamiento.

Inspeccione las aletas de enfriamiento para verifi car si hay mugre, recortes de césped u otros materiales.


El transeje ha sido sellado en la fábrica y el mantenimiento del fl uido no es necesario para la vida del transeje. En el caso de que el transeje se fi ltrase o necesitase servicio, haga el favor de ponerse en contacto con su centro/departamento de servicio autorizado más cercano.


Il ventilatore e le alette di raffreddamento della trasmissione devono essere tenuti puliti per assicurare il giusto raffred- damento.

Non tentare di pulire il ventilatore o la trasmissione quando il motore è in funzione o quando la trasmissione è calda.

Controllare il ventilatore per accertare che le lame siano intatte e pulite.

Controllare le alette di raffreddamento per verifi care che non vi siano tracce di impurità, di erba o di altri mate- riali.


La trasmissione e la trazione anteriore sono state sigillate in fabbrica e pertanto non richiedono operazioni di intervento concernenti i fl uidi. Se la trasmissione e la trazione anteriore dovessero perdere o necessitare di intervento tecnico, contat- tare il più vicino centro di assistenza tecnico autorizzato.


De ventilator en koelribben van de transmissie moeten schoon gehouden worden om voore de juiste koeling te zorgen.

Tracht niet de ventilator of de transmissie te reinigen terwijl de motor draait of terwijl de transmissie heet is.

Controleer de koelventilator om u ervan te overtuigen dat de bladen intact en schoon zijn.

Controleer de koelribben op vuil, gras en ander materi- aal.


De transmissie is in de fabriek verzegeld en vloeistofonder- houd is niet nodig. Als de transmissie ooit mocht lekken of een onderhoudsbeurt nodig hebben, dient u een bevoegd servicecentrum of -afdeling te raadplegen.


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Husqvarna GTH260XP Transaxle Cooling, Transachsen-Kühlung, Refroidissement DE LA Transmission, Enfriamiento DEL Transeje

GTH260XP specifications

The Husqvarna GTH260XP is a versatile and powerful garden tractor designed to meet the demands of homeowners with medium to large-sized lawns. This machine embodies a combination of performance, durability, and user-friendly features that make lawn care more efficient and enjoyable.

One of the key features of the GTH260XP is its robust engine. Powered by a Kohler 26 HP engine, it delivers reliable performance, providing ample power to tackle various lawn tasks, from mowing to hauling heavy loads. The engine is equipped with a hydrostatic transmission, allowing smooth operation and easy speed adjustment without the need for gear shifting. This feature enhances maneuverability, especially in tight spaces and when navigating around obstacles.

The deck is another standout characteristic of the GTH260XP. With a 54-inch cutting width, it boasts a triple-blade system that ensures an even and precise cut, enabling users to cover large areas quickly and efficiently. The deck is also designed with a washout port, making it easier to clean after use and maintain the mower's performance over time.

Comfort and convenience are also at the forefront of the GTH260XP's design. The tractor features an ergonomic steering wheel, adjustable seat, and ample legroom, which contribute to a comfortable riding experience. Additionally, the intuitive control panel allows for easy operation of the mower’s functions, including height adjustment for the cutting deck, further enhancing user experience.

Furthermore, the GTH260XP incorporates advanced technologies such as the U1 battery for additional accessory use, including headlights and a charging system for electronic devices. It also features Cruise Control, which allows the operator to maintain a constant speed while mowing, reducing fatigue during longer sessions.

Durability is key, with the GTH260XP built from high-quality materials designed to withstand the rigors of regular use. The heavy-duty frame ensures stability and longevity, while the oversized rear wheels provide excellent traction and support on uneven terrains.

In summary, the Husqvarna GTH260XP stands out for its powerful engine, innovative cutting technology, comfort-focused design, and durability, making it an excellent choice for those seeking reliable performance and efficiency in lawn care. Whether tackling tough mowing tasks or maintaining expansive gardens, the GTH260XP proves to be a reliable companion for any homeowner.