HRView Function Manual

3. Controller Parameter Setup

(2)To use RS-232C:

Condition setup and controller parameter should be the same as follows. The Baudrate of the Serial Port 2 should have the same setup as BD473 setup. However, the rest of the communication options should be the same as follows.

When both 27: Serial Port 1and 33: Serial Port 2are set as “FileMng,” Serial Port 1 has a priority, and HRView communication can be done only with Serial Port 1.

The Baudrate of the Serial Port 1 should have the same setup as HRView setup. However, the rest of the communication options should be the same as follows.

￿Constant Setup Group (1) → 13: Serial Port3: Serial Port 1

08:09:05 *** Serial Port 1 *** A:0 S:4

Baudrate = <38400,19200,9600,4800,2400>

Character length

= <7,8> bit

Stop bit

= <1,2> bit

Parity bit

= <Disable,Odd,Even>


= <Disable,Enable>

Press [Enable]+[Arrow].



￿Condition Set → 27: Serial Prot #1: Set as FileMng

08:09:05 *** Condition Set *** A:0 S:4

1:Mode =<1Step,1Cycle,Continuous>


3:External program =<Disable,Enable>

4:Robot lock =<Disable,Enable>

5:Conveyor Oper=<Normal,Simulat.,Test>

7:Search range =[0.0]

8:Search reference Pt. record=<Off,On>

9: Speed rate=[100]


13:Rec speed type=<Standard,[%],[mm/s]>

23:Step go/back max.speed = [250]mm/s

27:Serial port #1 =<FileMng,Sens>

Press [Enable]+[Arrow].






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