1. Overview

HRView Function Manual

1.1. HRView Overview

HRView is software for transmission and reception of files contained in HHI’s Hi3, Hi3TB and Hi4 robot controllers via RS-232C cable or Ethernet to and from external PCs. Ethernet is available only for Hi3TB.

Fig 1.1 Use of HRView

1.2. Function

This program can perform the following jobs for Hi3, Hi3TB and Hi4 robot controllers.

(1)Viewing file list(s) in the controller

(2)Storing certain file(s) of the controller in PC (backup)

(3)Retrieving certain files of PC to the controller (restore)

(4)Deleting certain files of the controller or PC

(5)Editing controller files stored in PC (calling Notepad, one of Windows utilities)

(6)Changing file format (step number, version, etc.)
