Update Xpress program
The UpdateXpress program is available for most xSeries servers and server options. It detects supported and installed device drivers and firmware in your server and installs available updates. You can download the UpdateXpress program from the Web at no additional cost, or you can purchase it on a CD. To download the program or purchase the CD, go to http://www.ibm.com/pc/ww/eserver/xseries/serverguide/xpress.html.
Server controls, LEDs, and power
This section describes the controls and
Front view
The following illustration shows the controls and LEDs on the front of the server.
Ethernet link status LED
Diskette drive activity LED
Hard disk drive activity LED
System error
USB ports
Ethernet transmit/receive activity LED
Press this button to release a CD from the
When this LED is lit, it indicates that the
Press this button to release a diskette from the diskette drive.
Diskette drive activity LED
When this LED is lit, it indicates that the diskette drive is in use.