F80. For further information about adapters, especially if the adapter is supported in Model F80, refer to the PCI Adapter Placement Reference Guide,
Most disk drives can move into the Model F80, but the
The old chassis of Model F50 is to be returned to IBM.
When upgrading from an Model F50 that does not run AIX 4.3.3, it is required to upgrade to AIX 4.3.3 or higher before you can upgrade the F50 system.
External Storage Expandability
The storage expansion for the Model F80 is can be provided through several IBM storage options. The storage subsystems can be connected externally as
External disk storage capacity can also be provided by attaching the Model F80 to storage servers. Using differential Ultra SCSI, the Model F80 can be attached to the IBM Enterprise Storage Server. And by using the Fibre Channel Adapter, the Model F80 can be attached to the IBM Fibre Channel RAID Storage server or the IBM Enterprise Storage Server.
SP Attachment
The Model F80 can neither be attached as a logical node, nor is it supported to be used as a Control Workstation (CWS) in an SP system.
The following sections list additional materials available for further research.
System Documentation
For more detailed information, refer to the following documents:
•RS/6000 Enterprise Server Model F80 Installation Guide,
•RS/6000 Enterprise Server Model F80 User’s Guide,
•RS/6000 Enterprise Server Model F80 Service Guide,
•PCI Adapter Placement Reference Guide,
Select IBM Redbooks
The following IBM Redbooks are related to the material discussed in this paper:
•RS/6000 Systems Handbook 2000,
18 RS/6000 7025 Model F80 Technical Overview