Tuning the Sun ONE Web server, Enterprise Edition - Solaris
The default configuration of the Sun ONE Web server, Enterprise Edition provides a
Adjusting the Active Threads parameter
After the server reaches the limit set with this parameter, the server stops servicing new connections until it finishes with old connections. If this setting is too low, the server can become throttled, resulting in degraded response times.
To tell if the Web server is being throttled, consult its perfdump statistics. Look at the following data:
•WaitingThreads count: If this gets close to zero, or is zero, the server is not accepting new connections.
•BusyThreads count: If this is close to zero, or is zero, BusyThreads is probably very close to its limit.
•ActiveThreads count: If this is close to its limit (default is 512), the server is probably limiting itself.
To view or set, use the maximum number of simultaneous requests parameter in the Enterprise Server Manager interface to control the number of active threads within Sun ONE Web server, Enterprise Edition. This setting corresponds to the RqThrottle parameter in the magnus.conf file.
Tuning the Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS)
Adjusting the following IIS properties and parameters with this server will let you tune server performance.
IIS permission properties
IIS has several permission properties that dramatically affect the performance of the application server. The default settings are usually acceptable. However, because other products can change the default settings without user knowledge, make sure to check the IIS settings for the Home Directory permissions of the Web server.
The permissions should be set to Script and not to Execute. If the permissions are set to Execute, no error messages are returned, but the performance of WAS is decreased.
To check or change these permissions, perform the following procedure in the Microsoft management console:
1.Select the Web site (usually the default Web site).
3.Click the Home Directory tab.
To set the permissions of the home directory, in the application settings, ensure that the Script checkbox is selected in the Permissions list and that the Execute checkbox is cleared.
It might also be necessary to check the permissions of the sePlugin. To do this, expand the Web server.
Number of expected hits per day
This parameter controls the memory that IIS allocates for connections. Using the performance window, set the parameter to more than 100000 in the Web site properties panel of the Microsoft Management Console.
ListenBackLog parameter
If you are using IIS, you are likely to encounter failed connections under heavy load conditions (typically more than 100 clients). This condition commonly results from IIS rejecting connections. You can alleviate the condition by using the ListenBackLog parameter to increase the number of requests IIS keeps in its queue.
110 IBM Lotus LMS Release 1 Installation Guide