Click Update. You should see your suffix appear in the list of suffixes known to the directory server. Note: The Web administration interface for Directory Server is also not supported on Linux. Refer to the Special Installation Issues chapter in this guide for a workaround for this issue.

4.Restart the directory server by choosing Current state - Start/Stop from the Directory Server pane.

5.Click the Start button. Eventually you should see a message that the directory server is currently running.

6.Logoff from the administrative interface by doing the following:

Choose Logoff from the Directory Server pane.

Click Logoff. All options (except Introduction and Logon) should disappear from the Directory Server pane.

Close the browser session.

Populating the directory – do the following to administer the directory:

7.Start the Directory Management Tool: Start - Programs - IBM Directory Server - Directory Management Tool.

8.Logon as the directory administrator and do the following:

Choose Server - Rebind on the ldap://hostname:389 tab.

Click the Authenticated button on the Rebind pane.

Enter the directory administrator's DN and password in the appropriate text boxes.

Click OK. You'll probably see a warning that the suffix you created earlier doesn't contain any data.

9.Define the suffix by doing the following:

Choose Directory tree - Browse tree from the ldap://hostname:389 tab.

Click the Add button in the Browse tree pane. The Add an LDAP Entry screen appears.

At the Add an LDAP Entry screen do the following:

oChoose Organization in the Entry type drop down.

oLeave Parent DN blank.

oEnter the DN of the suffix (e.g. o=yourentry) in the Entry RDN text box.

oClick OK. The Add an LDAP Entry screen expands to include additional attributes.

oClick Add. The entry should appear in the directory tree.

10.Exit the Directory Management Tool by clicking the Exit button in the lower left hand pane.

Chapter 6: Installing or Identifying the LDAP Directory 19

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IBM G210-1784-00 manual Logoff from the administrative interface by doing the following