2.Change the value of the parameter by starting with 100.
3.Save the changes and restart the IBM HTTP server.
The recommended method is to start with a size of 100, then increase as necessary. An HTTP error message of type 503 (a refused connection) is a good indicator for the need to increase the value.
There are two ways to find how many threads are being used under load. The following procedures show how this is done.
Checking for thread usage with the Windows 2000 Performance Monitor
Use the following procedure to check thread usage with the Windows 2000 Performance Monitor:
1.Select Start
11.In Performance Monitor, click Edit
•Object: IBM HTTP Server
•Instance: Apache
•Counter: Waiting for connection
To calculate the number of busy threads, subtract the number waiting (Windows 2000 Performance Monitor) from the total available (ThreadsPerChild).
Checking for thread usage using IBM HTTP Server server-status
Use the following procedure to check thread usage with IBM HTTP Server
1.Edit the IBM HTTP Server file httpd.conf by removing the comment character "#" from the following lines:
#LoadModule status_module modules/ApacheModuleStatus.dll
2.Save the changes and restart the IBM HTTP server.
In a Web browser, go to the following URL and click Reload to update status:
This parameter specifies the maximum number of requests to allow during a persistent connection.
Use the following procedure to change this parameter:
1.Edit the IBM HTTP Server file httpd.conf located in the directory
2.Change the value of the parameter.
3.Save the changes and restart the IBM HTTP server.
The recommended value is 0. This will allow for an unlimited amount of requests.
This parameter specifies how many requests each process will handle before it exists and another process is started.
Appendix A: LMS Performance and