Contents |
Chapter 1 About the IBM Lotus Learning Management System | 1 |
Introduction | 1 |
What is the Learning Management System? | 1 |
Understanding the Learning Management System Architecture | 1 |
Chapter 2 Learning Management System Requirements | 3 |
Database server requirements | 3 |
Learning Management System server requirements | 3 |
Learning Management System client requirements | 3 |
Chapter 3 Learning Management System Installation Overview | 5 |
Packaging overview | 5 |
Some words about the Learning Management System settings & configuration information | 5 |
An outline of the installation process | 6 |
Chapter 4 Identifying Learning Management System Hardware Assets | 11 |
Allocating server responsibilities | 11 |
Creating a new database or upgrading an existing database | 11 |
Learning Management System Hardware requirements | 12 |
Chapter 5 Installing the WebSphere Core | 13 |
Enabling SSO in WebSphere | 14 |
Chapter 6 Installing or Identifying the LDAP Directory | 17 |
Installing the IBM Directory Server LDAP Directory: an example | 17 |
Chapter 7 Installing the Learning Management System Server Application Files | 21 |
Installer program information | 21 |
Installing the Learning Management System Server application software | 22 |
Chapter 8 Installing the Delivery Server (DS) Application Files | 29 |
Installer program information | 29 |
Installing the Delivery Server application software | 30 |
Chapter 9 Installing and Configuring Database Servers and Schema | 37 |
Database Creation Overview | 37 |
Table of Contents iii