5.Create a password for db2inst1.
6.Select OK. The installation may take up to 15 minutes. When installation has completed a notice window informs you whether the installation was successful.
7.Highlight OK when finished and click Enter.
8.If errors are found check the DB2 error log on /tmp.
Use the following instructions to install the DB2 client for Windows:
1.From CD ROM, run setup.exe.
2.Select Administration Client.
3.Select the default values.
Verify the DB2 client (UNIX only)
1.Check the DB2 instance profile.
2.Login as db2inst1.
3.Verify that .profile has the following content. If it is not there, add it to the client:
if [
. /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile
4.Update the root environment file by logging in as the root.
5.Add the following to .profile:
# Set up DB2 environment for root user.
if [
. /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile fi
6.Log out.
Configure JDBC 2.0
Although WebSphere requires JDBC 2.0 drivers for its JDBC data sources, DB2 uses JDBC 1.0 by default. You must configure DB2 to use its supplied JDBC 2.0 drivers in order for WebSphere to connect to DB2 databases using JDBC.
On Windows systems:
1.Stop any running DB2 processes.
2.Open a command prompt and navigate to the …\sqllib\java12 directory.
3.Execute the file jdbc2.bat.
4.You can now restart DB2 processes.
On UNIX systems:
42 IBM Lotus LMS Release 1 Installation Guide