16. Click Next to continue. You are now shown the Web Server Settings screen.
Select the Web Server settings
17.Enter the following Web Server Settings for your server configuration. These settings provide the basic information about the Web Server used for deploying course content. All of these fields except for Description must contain a value.
•URL of Deployed Content – Enter the URL where the Delivery Server looks for content when it launches a course. There may be multiple content deployment servers (clustered) but this is the single URL that is used to access them. An example setting would be: http:/contentserver.acme.com/content.
Note: You need to create the directory in which to place deployed content, as the application will not do this for you. By default, the application will look for a subdirectory in the HTTP server’s htdocs subdirectory for the installed language (in the present example, IBMHTTPServer\htdocs\en_US\content).
•Tracking URL – Enter the URL to the tracking servlet on the Delivery Server. This is
Chapter 8: Installing the Delivery Server (DS) Application Files 33