Data acquisition
The Probe for Nortel CNM gathers events from the Nortel CNM 3GPP servers using a Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) interface. CORBA is an Object Management Group specification that provides a standard interface definition between objects in a distributed environment; that is, it allows applications to communicate with one another regardless of where they are located or who has designed them.
Connecting to the CORBA interface
The Probe for Nortel CNM acts as an Integration Reference Point (IRP) Manager. The AlarmIRPOperation and NotificationIRPOperation points form a part of the IRP agent to which the probe connects through a CORBA interface.
The probe uses the Using Interoperable Object Reference (IOR) files for this connection:
Using IOR files
To connect to the CORBA interface, the probe uses the SecurityIRPAgent Interoperable Object Reference (IOR) file. If the IOR file is on a remote machine, specify the FTP command that the probe must use to access it using the SecurityIrpFtpCommand property. If the IOR file is on a local machine, specify its location using the NortelSecurityIrpFile property.
Connecting to a remote system
The probe uses secure mode to connect to the remote machine where the IOR file is available.
To access the IOR file on the remote machine, perform the following steps:
1.Set up the required OpenSSL environment in both the probe server and target system.
2.Create your own PKI key. Remember the password that you specify while creating the PKI key.
3.Change the access permissions of the PKI key for the SSH to access.
4.Edit the download_ior.sh script so that the IOR_FILE_NAME script variable points to the same value as the NortelSecurityIrpFile property.
5.Replace the <remote machine name>:<remote path to nortel ior file> text in the download_ior.sh script with the location and name of the remote machine.
6.Replace the <password> text in the
7.Run the probe.
4 Netcool/OMNIbus Probe for Nortel CNM Reference Guide