IBM OS manual Load/Freemain, Address Cwa, Getmain Shared/Freemain

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vIf the transaction to be STARTed is de®ned as remote or a remote SYSID was speci®ed on the START command so that the command is function shipped to a remote CICS region, no data is collected.

vCommands in error are treated in the same way as commands that give a NORMAL response, so data is collected.


Scanner differences: Scanner detects all instances of RETRIEVE WAIT, and all


instances of START that either specify TERMID, or omit NOCHECK, or specify


REQID (because of CANCEL affinity).






v The affinity here is between all transactions that issue ADDRESS CWA.

v The affinity relation is GLOBAL or BAPPL.


v Lifetime is always SYSTEM.


Scanner differences: None.






v The affinity here is between the transaction that obtains storage via GETMAIN


SHARED and the transaction that frees the same piece of storage via


FREEMAIN. Both transactions must be seen for there to be affinity. The match is


made on storage address.


v However, the situation is complicated by the fact that the storage address may


be passed to other transactions; and if they access the storage, they cannot be


detected, because the storage access does not take place through the CICS



v The affinity relation may be GLOBAL, BAPPL,LUNAME, or USERID.



However, the Detector always worsens LOGON and SIGNON to SYSTEM,


because of limitations in the way that this affinity is detected.


v Commands in error are ignored, as there is no address for matching GETMAIN


with FREEMAIN, no data is collected.


v A GETMAIN/FREEMAIN affinity is considered to be initiated from a terminal if the


GETMAIN is initiated from a terminal. Whether the FREEMAIN was so initiated or


not is irrelevant.


v Any unmatched GETMAIN SHAREDs are also reported if they have never


matched by the time a Detector stop occurs. They are output in a separate report


section. Note that on a start with restore data, they are not restored and are


deleted from the affinity ®le.


Scanner differences: Scanner ®nds all instances of GETMAIN SHARED and all


instances of FREEMAIN.


vThe affinity here is between the transaction that loads the program via LOAD and the transaction that releases the same program via FREEMAIN. The match is made on load point address.

vHowever, the situation is complicated by the fact that the load point address may be passed to other transactions (for example, the program is actually a table); and if they access the program, they cannot be detected. This is analogous to storage address passing with GETMAIN SHARED/FREEMAIN.

Appendix A. Details of what is detected 67

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IBM OS manual Load/Freemain, Address Cwa, Getmain Shared/Freemain