Example: SIMULATOR /usr/local/tempest/tempest
SIMULATOR rexx d:\poems\fido\fidossh.cmd $h $f
TITLE | Give a title to the run. This title is printed in each file, and is also | ||
| used to generate names for the intermediate file and log file, and for | ||
| the postprocessor orders file. No default. | ||
| Syntax: TITLE Waveguide3a | ||
VERBOSE | Turn on verbose output. Sometimes helpful in figuring out what’s | ||
| going on. It’s sufficiently verbose that it’s probably best to redirect | ||
| it to a file or a pager program such as less. | ||
| Syntax: VERBOSE on off | ||
3.1.3. WORLD Group
BOUNDARY | Sets boundary conditions for a given axis to be either periodic | ||
| (PERIODIC) or | ||
| be set for each axis; if both are specified, they must be the same, | ||
| since symmetry applies at both sides in FIDO/TEMPEST. (Deprecated | ||
| boundary type ILLUM is the same as PERIODIC, and is provided | ||
| for backward compatibility with earlier versions of POEMS.) | ||
| Parameters: xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax | ||
| Syntax: BOUNDARY <parameter> PERIODIC SYMMETRY | ||
SUBDOMAIN | Defines a simulation domain. A domain is the portion of the |
| computational world assigned to one thread. Since the current |
| version of tempest runs on a single processor, all domains will be |
| joined together into one big tempest run. FIDO supports multithread |
| simulations, so you don’t lose anything by putting them in. |
| Parameter domain_name must not contain whitespace. For multiple- |
| host simulations, the SUBDOMAIN keyword takes an optional |
| hostname and base port number, indicating which host this |
| subdomain is to run on, and the name of a supervisor host whose |
| fido instance will control that host. If these parameters are not |
| supplied, the given subdomain runs on the local host. (The |
| supervisor parameter should not be supplied for the host in overall |
| control.) All subdomains running on a given machine must specify |
| the same supervisor, or a runtime error will result. Each |