corners. This primitive is especially useful with plane wave


illumination, where we want PMLs only on the front and back faces


of the region. The wide face of the object must touch one of the


faces of the simulation domain. The PML absorption directions will


be the outward normals for the face, outward-directed face


diagonals for the edges, and outward-directed body diagonals for


the corners. If for some reason you call this with an ordinary


material, it just adds a regular block.


Parameters: mattype xlo xhi ylo yhi zlo zhi






Adds a curved object whose path is expressed by a user-defined


planar curve, (u(s), v(s)), and whose outline is swept out by the


region f(q,r) > 0 as the parameter s advances from slo to shi.


Variable q is the normal to the plane, and r is parallel to q × (du/ds,


dv/ds). This statement can be used to make very general curved


objects of variable cross-section. Due to the uniform rectangular


grid employed by FIDO/TEMPEST, curved objects will look somewhat


different depending on the direction of their axes at any given


place. POEMS attempts to minimize this effect.


Parameters: mattype slo shi perp hfunc vfunc


Not implemented in this release.






Like CURVE, but the axial curve is allowed to be nonplanar. This


statement is more complicated to use, due to the noncommuting


property of 3-D rotations—in specifying the functions u, v, w, it’s


easy to get mixed up by the way they rotate around.




Not implemented in this release.






Adds an object whose axis is a straight line, but whose outline is an


arbitrary function of the perpendicular coordinate.


Parameters: mattype axis lo hi maxradius insidefunc


Not implemented in this release.






Page 24
Image 24
IBM Release 1.93 manual Curve, 3DCURVE, Cylinder