IBM Release 1.93 manual Using Poems, Command Reference, poems Command-Line Options, GLOBAL Group

Models: Release 1.93

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Everything in POEMS is case-insensitive. Case is preserved but not significant in file names; specifying two names equal except for case will cause the first to be overwritten in Windows and OS/2 but not in Linux.

3.1. Command Reference

3.1.1. poems Command-Line Options

The calling syntax for POEMS is


poems parmfile <- option1 <option2 <option3>>>


where the options are one of DEBUG VERBOSE and RESTART.


DEBUG prints lots of debugging information,


VERBOSE prints more detail in the ordinary console output, and


RESTART causes POEMS to parse the specified simplex file and


restart the optimization run following the last completed iteration."

3.1.2. GLOBAL Group


Syntax: ASSERT <expression>


Allows the user to add parameter error checking to the simulations.


ASSERT functions very much like the assert() macro in C. Each


time the input file is parsed (i.e. at the beginning of the run and


before each iteration of the optimizer or stepper), <expression> is


evaluated. If the result is zero, the run is stopped and a specific


error message printed.


Example: ASSERT SourceZ Zsize-Tpml-lambda


Syntax: COMMENT anything you want to say


Specifies a string that is to be included in all text and HTML output


files. Useful for identifying information. You can use as many of


these as you like. The output files will be more readable if you


keep the total line length reasonable, e.g. 75 columns.


Comment lines treat trailing commas as punctuation, not line


continuation characters, so multi-line comments must be coded as a


separate COMMENT statement for each comment line.


Syntax: DEBUG onoff


Output lots of debugging information as the run proceeds. Useful


mostly for the developer.


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IBM Release 1.93 manual Using Poems, Command Reference, poems Command-Line Options, GLOBAL Group