stage To copy file data from a level in the file’s hierarchy onto the top level in the
start-up An HPSS SSM administrative operation that causes a server to begin execution.
status A log record message type used to log processing results. This message type is
being used to report status from the HPSS Accounting process.
STK Storage Technology Corporation
storage class An HPSS object used to group storage media together to provide storage for
HPSS data with specific characteristics. The characteristics are both physical and
storage hierarchy An ordered collection of storage classes. The hierarchy consists of a fixed
number of storage levels numbered from level 1 to the number of levels in the
hierarchy, with the maximum level being limited to 5 by HPSS. Each level is
associated with a specific storage class. Migration and stage commands result in
data being copied between different storage levels in the hierarchy. Each Class of
Service has an associated hierarchy.
storage level The relative position of a single storage class in a storage hierarchy. For
example, if a storage class is at the top of a hierarchy, the storage level is 1.
storage map An HPSS object managed by the Core Server to keep track of allocated storage
storage segment An HPSS object managed by the Core Server to provide abstract storage for a
bitfile or parts of a bitfile.
Storage Service The portion of the Core Server which provides control over a hierarchy of virtual
and physical storage resources.
storage subsystem A portion of the HPSS namespace that is managed by an independent Core
Server and (optionally) Migration/Purge Server.
Storage System Management An HPSS component that provides monitoring and control of HPSS via a
windowed operator interface or command line interface.
stripe length The number of bytes that must be written to span all the physical storage media
(physical volumes) that are grouped together to form the logical storage media
(virtual volume). The stripe length equals the virtual volume block size
multiplied by the number of physical volumes in the stripe group (i.e., stripe
stripe length The number of bytes that must be written to span all the physical storage media
(physical volumes) that are grouped together to form the logical storage media
(virtual volume). The stripe length equals the virtual volume block size
multiplied by the number of physical volumes in the stripe group (i.e., stripe
stripe width The number of physical volumes grouped together to represent a virtual volume.
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 382