DAA Assembly
Connector for EMEA 12J1572
Austria 59G1041
Australia 59G1040
Belgium 43G3414
Denmark 59G1042
Finland 54F0715
France 4525652
Germany 77H9765
Malaysia 59G1066
Netherlands 80G3480
Norway 59G1044
NewZealand 80G4584
PRC and Hong Kong 54F0693
Sweden 54F0717
Switzerland 59G1057
Taiwan 59G1067
Thailand 59G1064
U.K. 59G1045
PSTN Cable
Austria 58G4386
Australia 58G4343
Belgium 58G4346
Denmark 58G4333
Finland 58G4334
France 58G4335
Germany 58G4347
U.S., Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore,
and Hong Kong 43G3398
Netherlands 58G4340
New Zealand and PRC 58G4332
Norway 58G4334
Sweden 58G4336
Switzerland 58G4348
U.K. 58G4345

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