1160 Modem Holder, DC/DC Card,Inverter Card
Diskette Drive or CD-ROM Drive (1020)
Battery Pack (1030)
Hard Disk Drive (1040)
Top Cover (1060)
Keyboard Unit (1070)
LCD Unit (1080)
Front IR and Rear IR (1090)
System Board Assembly (1110)
Upper Shield (1120)
External FDD Connector (1130)
Video Card (1140)
.1/.2/: Module Jack
.3/.4/: DC/DC Card
.5/.6/: Inverter Card
Step Size (quantity) Torque
.1/ M2.5 x 14 mm, Nylon (1) 4 kgcm
.3/ M2.5 x 4 mm, Nylon (2) 4 kgcm
.5/ M2.5 x 6 mm, Nylon (2) 3.5 kgcm
Note: Make sure you use the correct screw and tighten the
screw to the torque specified. Do not use the screw that you
removed, use a new screw.
478 IBM Mobile Systems HMM