Tape Devices
Define paths on the server using the device names as seen by the storage agent on
each client system.

Important: Be sure that the device names are what the storage agent sees on each

client system.

Note: The DEFINE PAT H command must be issued from the server designated as

the library manager.
For example, you would issue the following:
define path storagnt drive1 srctype=server desttype=drive
library=sanlib1 device=/dev/tsmscsi/mt1
See the Administrator’s Reference for your system platform for additional details on
the DEFINE PATH command.
Depending on the operating system of the Tivoli Storage Manager server, there
may not be a quick way to confirm which device names on the storage agent
correspond to device names on the Tivoli Storage Manager server without using a
trial and error method. To confirm device names, you should work with one online
drive at a time, and cycle through the storage agent device names until a
successful backup can be run. The server cannot validate PATH information that is
provided on the server for use by the storage agent. Failures can occur if incorrect
device information is provided in the DEFINE PATH command.

You can also specify the AUTODETECT=YES option when defining paths on the

server. This allows the serial number for a drive or library to be automatically
updated in the database when the path is defined. The updated serial number will
be the same serial number that the drive reports to Tivoli Storage Manager. After a
backup is completed in “Step 5.2 Verify the LAN-free Configuration” on page 29,
you can issue the QUERY DRIVE command to obtain information that will help
determine the device name from the storage agent.
Tivoli StorageManager Client Workstation


Tivoli StorageManager Server - TSMSRVER
device name: /dev/mt1
TapeLibrary Drive
define drive sanlib1 drive1
define path tsmsrver drive1 srctype=server
destype=drive library=sanlib1 device=/dev/mt6
define path storagnt drive1 srctype=server
destype=drive library=sanlib1 device=/dev/mt1
Figure 8. Device information
Chapter 3. Installing and Configuring Tape-Library and File-Device Sharing Environments 27