|If the value is changed again by a coupling
| facility data table server command, CICS
| obtains and displays the new value only after a
| file control operation on the table. Until then,
| CICS continues to display the old value.
|You can use the server DISPLAY TABLE
| console command to obtain the current value
| for a coupling facility data table.
Note: You can reset this value by overtyping it with a
different value. The new value takes effect only
when a new data table is created (which
happens on each file open for a
CICS-maintained or user-maintained data table,
but only when the table does not already exist for
a CF data table).
displays the open status of the file. The values are:
OPenThe file is open. If the file is OPEN ENABLED, it is
available for data accesses by CICS transactions.
If it is OPEN DISABLED, it must first be enabled
before it is available.
The file is closed; the access method does not
allow accesses to the data until the file is opened.
The file can be opened either explicitly by the user
or, if the file has the ENABLED attribute, implicitly
by CICS on the next reference to the file.
A file with the DISABLED attribute can be enabled
only by a SET FILE ENABLED command. A file
with the UNENABLED attribute can be enabled by
OPEN command.
The CLOSED status may be a temporary status
for a file that has just come out of LOADMODE
Note: You can reset this value by overtyping it with one
of the above Openstatus values, or with:
Specifies that the file is to be closed, and
the tasks of any existing users of the file
are to be abended.
displays whether you can read records from the file. The
values are:
REAdYou can read records in the file.
You cannot read records in the file.
Note: You can reset this value by overtyping it with a
different value.
| displays the actual size of fixed-length records, or the
| maximum size of variable-length records.
| If the file is not open, CICS displays the value specified
| in the installed file definition. If the file definition does not
| specify a record size, CICS displays a zero value.
| Generally, if a file is open, CICS obtains the record size
| from the associated data set, in which case CICS
| displays the value from the data set. However, files that
| refer to coupling facility data tables defined with
| LOAD(NO) must get their record size from the file
| definition, in which case CICS returns the defined value
| when the file is open. This value must also match that of
| the coupling facility data table if it has already been
| created.
Rlsaccess (
VSAM only
displays whether the file is defined to be accessed in
RLS mode. The values are:
RLs The file is defined to be accessed in RLS mode.
The file is defined to be accessed in a non-RLS
mode (LSR or NSR)
Note: You can reset this value by overtyping it with a
different value.
displays whether the file name specified on the FILE
parameter represents a data table. The values are:
The file name does not represent a data table.
| The file name represents a coupling facility data
| table.
The file name represents a CICS-maintained data
The file name represents a user-maintained data
Note: You can reset this value by overtyping it with a
different value.
| displays the table name specified for the coupling facility
| data table on the file resource definition, if one is
| specified, or displays the file name if no table name was
| specified on the file resource definition.
| CICS displays blanks if the file does not refer to a
| coupling facility data table
88 CICS Supplied Transactions