Lu61 The connection uses the VTAM LUTYPE6.1
protocol for CICS-to-CICS or CICS-to-IMS
intersystem communication.
Purgetype (
input only field
specifies how associated transactions are to be purged.
The values are:
PUrge (
vtam only and irc only
Transactions running on the connected system are
abnormally terminated. Transactions are
terminated only if system and data integrity can be
maintained. A transaction is not purged if its
definition specifies SPURGE=NO.
FORCEPurge (
vtam only
All transactions running on sessions on the
connected system are immediately terminated
abnormally. This can lead to unpredictable results
and should be used only in exceptional
In some extreme cases (for example, if an error
occurs during backout processing), CICS might
terminate abnormally.
Automatic initiate descriptors (AIDs) queuing for
the specified connection are to be canceled.
AIDs representing scheduled and allocated
requests waiting in the local CICS system for the
specified connection are canceled. However, TD
AIDs with an associated triggered task already
started will not be canceled. In addition, the
following CICS system AIDs are not purged unless
FCANCEL is specified.
When a canceled SCHEDULE request is found to
have a precursor in a remote CICS system, that
is, the AID was originally scheduled in a remote
system, the remote AID is canceled
Message DFHTF0100 is written to CSMT to
indicate how many AIDs have been deleted for the
connection and how many remain.
An ‘AIDS CANCELED’ message appears on the
CEMT panel whenever AIDs are deleted using the
All AIDs, including system AIDs, queuing for the
specified connection are to be canceled. See
Table 1 for a list of those system AIDS that
require FCANCEL to remove them. This can lead
to unpredictable results and should be used only
in exceptional circumstances.
Note: FCANCEL does not remove transient data
AIDs with an associated triggered task.
These aids may be removed by purging
the associated task.
An ‘AIDS CANCELED’ message appears on the
CEMT panel whenever AIDs are deleted using the
FCANCEL option of the CEMT SET
Recovstatus (
appc and mro only
displays whether there is resynchronization work
outstanding for this connection. The connection may
never have been connected, or may have been quiesced
and all resynchronization work completed, or disrupted
without quiesce—in which case resynchronization may
be necessary. The values are:
Neither side has recovery information outstanding.
NRs CICS does not have recovery outstanding for the
connection, but the partner may have.
There are in-doubt units of work associated with
the connection, or there are outstanding resyncs
awaiting FORGET on the connection.
Resynchronization takes place when the
connection next becomes active, or when the
UOW is unshunted.
If there is recovery outstanding, on completion of
exchange of lognames either resynchronization takes
place or, in the case of a cold exchange, the PENDING
condition is created.
Recovstatus can be reset with Norecovdata.
displays the 4-character name of a connection, if the
subject of the inquiry is a remote or an indirect
connection. In either case, the named connection can be
either a connection entry that links towards the TOR, or
an indirect connection that provides the netname of the
If the subject of the inquiry is an indirect connection, the
value of REMOTESYSTEM is taken from the INDSYS
option of the CONNECTION definition.
Otherwise this field is blank.
Table 1. System AIDs requiringFCANCEL toremove them
Description Tranid
Remote delete AIDs
Remote scheduler AIDs CRSR
LU6.2 service manager 1 AIDs CLS1
LU6.2 service manager 3 AIDs CLS3
Remote scheduler PURGE AIDs CRSQ
Resource manager resync AIDs CRSY
Autoinstalled terminal delete AIDs CATD
Autoinstalled terminal restart AIDs CATR
Chapter 11. Master terminal CEMT 61